Flooty the Time Traveler with Amazing Friends - 32 x 39.5 - SOLD
Acrylic & Gouache on Paper
Image: 22" x 30"
Finished Frame: 32" x 39.5"
Flooty The Time Traveler with Amazing Friends
Look at that swirling confusion, what’s it hiding? What’s underneath? Look ahead at the light growing and glowing within.”
“Humph!” Flooty’s amazing friend exclaims.
“I don’t want to see more.”
“But you came here to grow and taste and expand. You came here to get vast and tuned!
Here, let’s put our feet in the mud and pull out the Gateway and look at where it’s sticky with the past and where we can giggle and get more free! Being an Explorer is a lot, and it’s natural to feel afraid as long as you have courage to keep moving. Being radically honest and milking the deliciousness of joy is our fastest way from here to there! Remember the wise words you said to get here, ‘I’m saying Yes to this adventure and calling on joy to get unstuck, I’m not afraid of all the feelings that may come up!’”